... even when you don't want it to.
And it's a bitch.
Two Tuesdays ago I crashed landed my bike when I tried to make a left turn a little too suddenly. I bruised & or strained most of my left-side joints, and left my foot/ankle a most amazing visual cacaphony of colors. I'm still living on ibuprofen and in ace bandages. It's amazing how much stamina low-grade yet constant discomfort sucks out of a person.
That being said, I have no one to blame but myself. Isaac Newton wasn't making up stories, he was simply telling the truth.
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My bike and I proved this guy's Law's of Motion - all of them - and threw in friction for good measure last Tuesday. Science has no mercy. | . |
I did get a chance to hand-sew the trim I mentioned in a previous post onto my teal patterned skirt and love the way it came out. I also cut out another skirt from the same pattern, this one in a blue/black thin brocade. Hopefully I'll have a chance to sew it up this weekend, and maybe even get (yet another) trim basted to the hem. This trim is machine-sewable, at least.
I also started to crochet myself a scarf for next fall, in purples and greens. I like the pattern the variegated yarn took. As soon as I test/compare for length I'll fringe it.
As for art in the classroom, we just came through two weeks of block schedule and state testing. At the beginning of this week I announced to my three astronomy classes that THEY were teaching the rest of the chapter on the Sun. Groups pulled topics out of a (Fabric Planet!) sack, got directions and I let 'em at it. The lessons are due on Monday, and should take the rest of the week to get through. They need to have a "means of contents presentation" (PowerPoint, lecture or transparencies), "means of reinforcement" (work sheet, game, cross word or word search), and "means of assessment" (quiz). I can hardly wait for what they show up with! Some of my students are incredibly creative.
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