Saturday, October 9, 2010

... started this blog. ...My daily journey to a creative life.

This blog - my first attempt at one - is an overdue reaction to a facebook Q&A quiz:  Are you creative?  Who, me?  My answer - "I'm not sure.  I know I'm not as creative as I could be."

The quilt for Katie's new baby - sewn by two of my teacher friends and me. 
BTF1 (Best Teacher/Friend) gave BTF2 and me quilting lessons in BFF2's downtown loft.  T
his is my very first completed quilt!
(The loft is within walking distance of Los Angeles' fabric district.  I'm jealous.)
Once upon a time, before I became a Grown Up and had to maintain myself and then a family, I did a lot of creative things.  I sewed a lot of my own clothes, learned the basics of pattern-making, embroidered.  I read, wrote.  I looked at art a LOT.  I thought of myself as a creative person.  I want to be that creative person again.

I've recently been a daily lurker at, a wonderful blog by an incredibly talented and upbeat young lady.  She hit a low spot in her life, and inspired by "Julie and Julia," created her own challenge:  $365 clothes budget for one year.  (Nothing new.)  Buy every garment at a thrift store, flea market or garage sale for no more than a dollar.  Remake these atrociously horrible 80's remnants of fashion disasters into really, really cute modern-looking pieces.  One a day. Amazing!

So... the challenge I set for myself up is this:  do at least ONE creative thing a day.  For a year.  This means to make something, fix something, finish an old project, organize part of my life or environment to make it more friendly to creativity.  Report back here, and even photos once I figure out how!  And if I don't, I will report back here and give my (probably pathetic) excuses.



  1. Good luck, Denise. I hope you do better with your blog than I did with mine. Mine has been dormant since Sept 08. I really do need to get back to putting stuff up there but it takes an effort and by the end of the day my synapses are fried. I hope you do better!

  2. I'm experiencing the fried synapse syndrome myself, Bold. Even so, we'll see how long I can keep it up.

    I hope you start to post again -- you're a really good writer, and I enjoyed reading your blog posts.
