Which means I got off my keister this beautiful spring day -- AND the first official day of our Spring Break! -- and joined my beautiful Babygirl in returning our back patch of weeds into a vegetable garden. We had two thriving tomato plants which survived the winter, and I trimmed them and reset their cages on them, and we should have real live tomatoes in a couple short weeks! Heavens, there's even flowers with a couple of tiny green tomatoes on one of 'em.
Last week I also finished the turquoise octopus for my student, and will figure out how to sew strings of beads onto its little head for hair. I will also post a pic of the finished critter.
Two weekends ago I was on the East Coast in DC for a science education conference - thank you UCLA for sending me! - and as a surprise Hubby gave me a beautiful new point-n-shoot camera to share with our daughter. Daughter graciously allowed me to bring it on the trip, and I took some photos I'm very happy with... and it's so easy to actually get them from the camera to the computer I may just actually start to post my own shots here!
These next few pics are from the "Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef" project, showing at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Created and curated by Christine Wertheim and Margaret Wertheim of the Institute For Figuring. http://crochetcoralreef.org/about/index.php | |
Here is the bleached coral reef, what happens when the tiny organisms which create
the coral structures die. This is happening now all over the world. |
I fell in love with this little guy, and want to crochet some more of his ilk to hang in my classroom. |
Is this just too much fun or what???? |
I forgot to pack my crochet hook and yarn, darn it, or I would have spent the whole flight back making my first hyperbolic coral creature.
I spent my pre-conference Friday afternoon walking the National Mall, from Capitol Building to Lincoln's Memorial and back. Ever since the Vietnam Vet War memorial was completed I've wanted to visit. I finally did, and it is even more moving and ennobling of its Veterans than any picture can justifiably do.
Trees about to bud. That isn't trash at the base of the Memorial - those are print-outs from the Memorial database, with info on each deceased soldier. School children bring the bios to the scene, find their soldiers, and lay the bios down in front of the names with a flower. |
A close-up of one of the blocks. That's me in the reflection. I don't know any of these men
or their families, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't honor them. |
I didn't realize that one of the Memorial's arms was aligned with the
Washington Monument until I looked up and saw this. |
Camelot for all geeks - the Smithsonian Castle! |
And finally - the only cherry tree in bloom two weeks ago, although I'm certain the city is awash in pink petals right now. This was taken outside the National Air and Space Museum. |